Thursday, January 2, 2020


Reaching my seemingly impossible goal was awesome, and it did feel amazing, but I had somehow mistakenly believed that staying at a healthy weight would then be easy!  I couldn't have been more wrong!!  Wait, but with all the great new habits, and knowledge and tools I had, I would still struggle with my weight?  No way!

It's true, folks!  Our brains really like to go to what is comfortable, and to what takes the least amount of work.  And the habits that have driven us for many years are hard to leave behind forever!  So another journey then began...the journey of figuring out how I wanted to treat myself for good!

Because we're human, none of us will be perfect at being true to ourselves all the time, but consistently trying allows us to grow stronger and show up authentically!  Giving ourselves some grace when we slack a little, or eat something we normally wouldn't,  loving ourselves despite our urges and lack of motivation, and continuing to do our best everyday...putting one step in front of the other, quite literally sometimes.

The photo above is after I had completed a 5K community run, very slowly I might add, but I putting one foot in front of the other!  Slow and steady is my motto!

It's the small daily choices that add up to a big end result, and if slow and steady is the motto, then we can use those slow and steady habits to help overcome our natural brain that just wants everything to be as easy as possible.  Every day.  Every hour.  Every minute!  And when we fail, we can know that if we just get back up, brush ourselves off, and keep the end we will be fine!

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