Wednesday, January 1, 2020


This was me...a busy mom of five kids, married to a wonderful man, with an amazing life, seemingly happy and doing great....all the while just going through the motions and saying yes to every opportunity to volunteer and help others so I could feel validated and worthwhile.  Food was my happy place, especially sugar.  I used it to cover any feelings of stress, frustration, overwhelm, or anything negative that came my way.  I felt out of control and unhappy.  In my efforts to be the very best mom, I had completely neglected to take care of myself, and despite my great life, I was miserable.

One day, I received a card in the mail from a friend.  Written on the front were the words "WAKE UP, YOUR LIFE IS CALLING!"  While it felt like a slap in the face, it hit me that I was not showing up in my life the way I wanted to, and I was missing out on a lot of joy.  The desire to change had burned in me for awhile, but this lit the match.

My quest for change began, and while I had little confidence in myself from all the times I'd tried and failed in the past, I was determined!  My friend shared a podcast with me called "Bold New Mom" (by Jody Moore) that I started listening to right away.  The new concepts and tools I was learning were just what I needed, and after some time I began to believe in my power to change my own life.  I took responsibility for where I was at and started learning to love myself enough to create better results in my life.  I set a goal to lose 100 lbs!  It was crazy, and seemingly impossible, but somehow I believed I could do it.

Then the work began.  And I don't mean just the exercise and eating changes,  I mean the work on reprogramming my brain.  Learning a new way to think about myself and the power I had within was the single most life changing thing I have ever done!  There are so many diets/programs/products out there for weight loss, but without getting to the root of the problem, it's like putting a bandaid on a broken arm.  I learned that lasting change would not happen unless I changed my thinking!

The road to reaching my goal was full of potholes and unexpected turns, but with my family as my biggest cheerleaders, my newfound confidence, and a lot of help from the Lord, I reached my goal in 1 year and 3 months!  I felt on top of the world!  The best part was that it wasn't just my body that was much healthier, it was my mindset.  I was able to show up in every area of my life with more self confidence and compassion.

Many people came to me asking for help and advice on how they could lose weight.  The answer seemed so simple, yet it was so personal that it was hard to explain.  I wanted to shout it to the world, to help every woman who struggled with their weight and low self esteem to find the freedom I was experiencing...but how??  That's when I knew that becoming a Life and Weight Coach was my answer.  That journey is another post in itself, but I am so excited to be here, ready to share with the world the life-changing tools that have brought me to where I am now.

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