Thursday, January 23, 2020


Image result for uphill climb
I can always tell when something big or important is going to happen in my life because I start to feel a lot of resistance.  It usually comes in the form of self doubt, discouragement, and internal struggle, but sometimes it's just an abundance of obstacles to overcome.  It feels like taking one step forward and two steps back.

So if I'm paying attention, and I catch onto what is happening, I can start to be curious, and wonder what beautiful view will be at the top of the mountain that I seem to be climbing.  It helps me to keep trying and not give up.  It gives me hope that God's plan is unfolding in my favor and I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I have been feeling this way for awhile now, and just last week it occured to me that I am just where I need to be because,  "If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill!" ~Henry B. Eyring

And it is the struggle that will make the view the most beautiful.  Thankfully, I know I am not left alone.  "God rarely moves the mountain in front of us, but he ALWAYS helps us climb them!" ~Sheri Dew

I'm excited to see what beauty lies on the vista at the top of the mountain I am currently climbing!

Don't give up, keep climbing, and know that you are closer to the top than you think!

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