Saturday, January 25, 2020


Every year, before Thanksgiving, my family enjoys a tradition that has become dear to us.  We sit and talk about our blessings, and then on strips of colored paper we write as many things as we can think of that we are grateful for.  We connect the paper strips together to create a thankful chain!

Our goal is to make the chain long enough to go around the family room, then we hang it up as a reminder of all our bounteous blessings!  This year we had the privilege of having 12 missionaries over for Thanksgiving dinner, so we had them join the fun and add to our chain.  By the time they were finished, the chain went around the room four times!  That is a lot of things to be thankful for!

We leave the chain up for several months to remind us how blessed we are and how much we have to be thankful for.

Focusing on gratitude is the surest way to bring positivity into our lives! When we are constantly looking for the blessings in our lives, we attract more goodness to us.  We see things in a more positive light.  When we focus on the negative and the problems in our lives, we will find them as well, but being grateful sure feels a lot better!

The picture above shows part of our "Thankful Chain" for 2019, as well as my favorite sign that says.. ."Gratitude turns what we have into enough!" ~ Anonymous  This is a reminder to me that I have exactly what I need, and that thought provides me a lot of peace.

What would be on your Thankful chain?

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