Sunday, January 26, 2020


If you knew this would be your last day to live, what would you change?  How would you spend your time?  Who would you talk to, and what would you say?  What things would you want to resolve and let go of?  What would you want people to remember about you?

These are all important questions to ponder.  The good news is, we don't have to wait until our last day comes, we can act now.  We can choose to spend quality time with our loved ones, we can set down our phone and listen, we can forgive someone we have been holding a grudge against, we can try that thing we have always been scared of doing, we can extend kindness and withhold judgement.

Pondering how we're showing up in life is a good way to determine if there needs to be a course correction.  Are we headed in the direction we want to be going?  How are our relationships?  What is the next step we could take in our career or business?  Why aren't we doing it?  What are we scared of?

What is stopping you from living the life you want right now?  The answer is found by looking in the mirror...YOU!  YOU have the power to create the results you want in your life, no one else!

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